semweb – Semantic Web and Expert Systems – Testimonials


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His pronounced educational and didactic abilities as well as his pleasant demeanor made Mr. Ricci an expecially competent lecturer. … he coordinated the French and German speaking courses with the lecturers of the parallel courses … in a way that … profound synergy effects were created, expecially for the course “Knowledge Management.”

Due to the extremely efficiently implemented development method … the developed system was recognized as an expecially worthy basis for the further development of our research activities in the area of semantic web. The … created infrastructure is considered to be the foundation for new research contracts, licenses and spin-offs for years to come. We thank him for his … outstanding commitment…!

Prof. Dr. Rene Schneider, Professor
HEG, Geneva, CH

We thank him for his … outstanding commitment … high identification and best diplomacy …!

Claude Bossard, Executive
Bossard und Partner Unternehmensberatung, Berikon, CH

Outstanding contribution to the ReSiPi project … besides his efficient way to design, deliver and integrate results in the target architecture, … organized proactively knowledge transfer workshops to share … with all project stake holders. Besides the technical achievements … Mr. Ricci is a friendly and creative team player … our gratitude for this excellent cooperation.

Prof. Dr. Patrick Ruch, Professor
HEG, Geneva, CH

Outstanding collaboration … The developed portal for sale department directors of big banks exceeded our expectation timely, in form and content and made our customers enthusiastic!

Sascha Jacobs, Executive
RCOM Gruppe, Munich, D

The … developed method/software for the handling of statical 3D collision test results in the DMU process was appreciated by our … specialist department as very valuable process support.
For this reason we decided to make productive use of the prototype in the development process MP2 (model update ACTROS) … we would like to thank him for … his committed and successful collaboration …!

Dr. Thomas W. Hellmuth, Director Eruopean Development Trucks
DaimlerChrylser, Stuttgart, D