13 results for ‘ontology management’.

  • LOD – Management

    Was ist LOD? Linked Open Data (LOD) bezeichnet im World Wide Web frei verfügbare Daten, die per Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) identifiziert sind und darüber direkt per HTTP abgerufen werden können und ebenfalls per URI auf andere Daten verweisen. Idealerweise werden zur Kodierung und Verlinkung der Daten das Resource Description Framework (RDF) …

  • LOD – Management

    What is LOD? Linked open data (LOD) describes freely available data in the World Wide Web that can be identified through Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and can thereby be directly accessed via HTTP. Data can also be linked to other data using again URIs. In the ideal case data are represented and linked using the “Resource Description Framework” …

  • A comparison of six RDF stores

    ontology management tool, the other RDF stores allow you to import RDF Data via their REST interfaces. GraphDB, MarkLogic and SPARQLverse offer REST interfaces, Virtuoso allows you to import data directly within its highly developed console, the “virtuoso conductor”. Bigdata comes with an excellent direct Java bulk loader. Every RDF store …