33 results for ‘method’.

  • Logic Programming

    methods, which inferences and which deduction to chose in order to proof goals. Other Logical Programming Formalisms RDFS and OWL are de-facto logical programming paradigms involving RDF as a basis to formulate formal sentences (formulas) using Linked-Data. In RDFS and OWL formulas are made of RDF statements (Subject Predicate Object). A set …

  • Expert Systems

    method used to connect rules (rule chaining) to solve a problem. There are mainly two directions of reasoning: – Forward reasoning (chaining) – Backward reasoning (chaining) – mixed methods (forward and backward chaining). While forward reasoning starts on a given knowledge base (data) state, apply rules changing this knowledge …

  • Expert Systems

    method used to connect rules (rule chaining) to solve a problem, take a decision or make a prediction. There are mainly two directions of reasoning: – Forward reasoning (forward [rules] chaining) – Backward reasoning (backward [rules] chaining) – Mixed methods (forward and backward chaining). While forward reasoning starts …